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The Future of Clinical Trial Research

Aug 27


Clinical trial research is the process of testing new medical treatments and therapies on humans in controlled settings. It's different from simply administering a drug to someone or making them take part in an observational study. To be clear, clinical trials are not risky by default; they're just more controlled than other types of studies. Only drugs or treatments that have already been proven safe for use in humans through animal studies can be tested this way. Clinical trials also look for ways to improve existing treatments by testing new combinations with existing drugs or therapies using randomized control groups (the gold standard when it comes to research). And if you're wondering what kind of treatments might be tested in clinical trials today? Well, there's ketamine therapy (for depression), psilocybin mushrooms (for anxiety), and MDMA therapy (for PTSD). Sites like Power, have a list of clinical trials currently recruiting participants.

What is clinical trial research?

Clinical trial research is a type of research that is done to determine the safety and effectiveness of new treatments. Clinical trials are conducted in a controlled environment, which allows researchers to test whether or not a new treatment works better than existing therapies.

A clinical trial is often used to test the efficacy (effectiveness) of a drug, device or therapy as it relates to disease or other health conditions. In clinical trials, participants are randomly assigned into one of two or more groups: the experimental group receives the test treatment being studied; while the control group receives either no intervention at all or an inactive substance that looks like it will cause similar effects as those experienced by people taking part in the real study but doesn't really do anything except allow researchers to compare results from both groups later on down line once everything has been tested out thoroughly enough so that there aren't any doubts about whether or not something works correctly under certain circumstances (e..g..: healthy vs unhealthy).

Why is clinical trial research important?

Clinical trial research is important because it allows us to learn more about the diseases that affect our patients. It also helps us find new treatments and cures, which can make a huge difference in their lives.

Without clinical trial research, many people would be unable to get the treatment they need to live healthy and productive lives. We owe a lot of gratitude to those who conduct these studies and share their findings with the rest of us so that we can continue improving patient care!

What are new treatments being studied through clinical trials?

You can read all the latest results at, which provides information on the progress of clinical trials in the United States, Europe and around the world.

Some of these studies involve new treatments for depression, PTSD and addiction; pain relief; cancer treatment; epilepsy; Alzheimer's disease and other neurological disorders.

Clinical Trials For Ketamine

Ketamine is an anesthetic drug that can be used for short-term pain relief. It also treats depression and anxiety, but it may also be addictive. In addition to being used as an anesthetic and analgesic, ketamine has been shown to effectively treat depression when administered intravenously in small doses (0.5 mg/kg).

Clinical Trials For Psilocybin Mushrooms

Psilocybin is a hallucinogenic compound found in certain mushrooms, including the Psilocybe genus and other genera of the Strophariaceae family. It is being investigated for its potential to treat depression, anxiety, addiction and PTSD.

Psilocybin has been used in both religious ceremonies and recreational contexts for thousands of years throughout the world. The drug was first isolated from psilocybin mushrooms by Albert Hofmann at Sandoz Pharmaceuticals in Switzerland in 1958 after he ingested a sample of the active chemical compound produced by these fungi (which he had previously collected himself). Since then, psilocybin has been shown to activate serotonin receptors on brain cells that produce feelings of happiness when stimulated by nerve impulses from nearby neurons; this effect may explain why it’s so effective at treating depression or helping with anxiety disorders like OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder).

Clinical Trials For MDMA

MDMA is being studied as a treatment for PTSD. MDMA has been found to be an effective therapeutic tool due to its ability to enhance trust, empathy, and a sense of well-being in the patient. In addition to these benefits, MDMA has also been shown to reduce anxiety and fear associated with traumatic memories.

MDMA is also being studied as a treatment for addiction. Although not yet proven through clinical trials, it has been observed that MDMA may decrease cravings for opiates such as heroin. This could potentially make it an ideal adjunct therapy during the detoxification process of opiate addicts seeking treatment at clinics like Serenity House Detox Center in Los Angeles, CA (800) 688-3174 or Addiction Treatment Centers Of America (ATCA) in St Louis Park MN (612) 871-2852.

MDMA is also being studied as a treatment for social anxiety disorders such as social phobia or generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Preliminary research indicates that during administration of MDMA combined with psychotherapy sessions over multiple weeks' time there were significant decreases in overall severity scores on both self-reported measures as well as observer ratings made by therapists who monitored participants' progress throughout their course of therapy using standard scales used by mental health professionals across different settings around the world including hospitals like Scripps Memorial Hospital.


Clinical research is an important part of the drug development process. It’s how we find out whether new drugs work in humans and what their side effects are before they can be approved for use by doctors. Clinical trials are also a great way to get involved in science as a volunteer or patient, as well as learn more about yourself and your own health. In this article, we looked at some of the latest trends in clinical trial research including ketamine therapy, psilocybin mushrooms (aka magic mushrooms) and MDMA-assisted psychotherapy.